How I Knew I Wanted to Marry My Husband

Before we get into the meat of this blog, I just want to start off and say this is not one of those “God told me Sir was my husband as soon as I saw him” blogs lol No shade to anyone who has that story, but not everyone’s story is like that and I believe God gives us a lot of free will to choose who we want to marry.

Now that that’s out of the way, I officially met my husband Sir in May 2017. When I say officially I just mean that we exchanged names in May 2017 after seeing each other around our church and briefly speaking for a couple of months. After we met, we spoke to each other a few more times before he actually stopped me and decided to shoot his shot! We began talking, got engaged in 2018 and we’ve now been married for almost 4 months.

So, to get to the reason you’re reading this blog, there are a couple of ways I knew I wanted to marry my husband. His patience was a big indicator for me. He patiently waited until the right time to approach me and get my attention, he patiently waited and asked my permission to get my phone number and to kiss me, he patiently waited for me when I moved to Chicago, he patiently wait for GOD to give him permission to propose to me despite my asks, he patiently waited for me as God began growing and developing me into the wife he married and he patiently waited for me to become vulnerable with him as we grew closer together.

We also shared many values such as God, family, mental and spiritual growth, how we want to raise our children and how we see the world. Sharing values is extremely important when developing a relationship because it provides direction to where your relationship is going and will go in the future.

His spiritual walk was another key reason I knew I wanted to marry him. I observed how he faithfully served in our church, how he was willing to attend prayer meetings, how he had deep relationships with other men in our church, how he was uncompromising in his convictions and how he prayed and asked God about every decision before he made it.

For the first time in life, I could see myself growing, getting married and having children with a partner. I had never seen that with someone when in a relationship. He inspired me to push myself and work hard with everything that I do. I saw the perseverance and determination he displayed in overcoming multiple traumatic events that occurred in his life.

Even though I saw a future with Sir, I was still apprehensive and slow to trust because of past relationships. I asked God multiple times to confirm what I had been feeling and/or remove me from this relationship if it wasn’t what He had for me. I remember distinctly a time we were at a prayer and praise service before we were engaged and he went up to pray with other men at the church. As I saw him standing with those men, I had an impression from God that said “pray for your husband.” I felt it so deeply that it brought me to tears. Those moments were few and far between but I knew hearing that coupled with everything that lined up in the natural that Sir was the right man for me to marry.

Im not one to believe in soulmates. I believe that God presents people to us and we have the free will to chose who we want to marry. (This does not apply to people we are unequally yoked with) There are people who may be equally yoked together but are just not compatible at all and would not work in a marriage together and there are people who are equally yoked that do not share the same values both of which are important in marriage.

All in all, I knew I wanted to marry Sir after observing his spiritual walk, getting to know his personality, character and value system and God confirming what I felt through impressions. Oh! And I also sought wise counsel. I brought Sir around not only my friends and family but multiple married couples I knew had sound discernment and wisdom. which was also very important.

These things were important to me and I’m sure everyone has their list of things that are important to them when choosing a spouse. Remember to keep an open mind!