#Goals Update!
Ok, ok, ok, we are now 5 months into 2017 and we need to do a check in on how our goals are going. Remember those new year’s resolutions and goals we spoke about in February? Remember how we spoke about making our goals specific, realistic and attainable? How are you all doing with that? I will tell you I have fallen off track with some of my goals. I categorized my goals into different sections such as finances goals, Bible goals, life goals, blog and vlog goals, personal development goals and reading and writing goals. Each category has about 3-5 goals in them each that I want to achieve. There are some goals that I have not gotten to yet and there are some that I am proud to have started on and even accomplished.
My finance goals and Bible goals have been the hardest to accomplish honestly because they require the most discipline from me and I am not that disciplined. That is an area that I am working on growing in. Even though I have not been the most disciplined with my Bible and finance goals, I am proud of myself for sticking to my relationship, personal development and writing goals. Some of my relationship goals are to go over my parent’s house every Sunday (I live on my own) and spend time with them, visit my older sister in Chicago and spend a day with my nephew once a month. Some of my personal development goals are to stick to my counseling and mentoring sessions and stick to dentist and doctor appointments. My writing goals are to begin to write for other blogs and news publications.
I developed these goals after I analyzed my life and discovered areas that I would like to grow and things I would like to accomplish that we place me closer to the lifetime goals that I have. For example, I decided that I wanted to spend more time with my family so I made a REALISTIC goal to go over my parent’s house every Sunday to spend time with them. I did not try and make it more than once a week because I knew that would not be realistic to do because of my work schedule. I made the goal of writing for other blogs and news publications to place me closer to my goal of becoming a journalist.
It’s time to take a look at the goals we set at the beginning of the year and see how we’re doing with them. If you have not stayed on course with them all that’s totally fine! This is just a check in to see the areas in which we need to work harder at and to congratulate ourselves for the goals we have achieved.
Good job and good luck on the rest of the year!