Sharing My Word for 2022!

Happy New Year friends! I hope you enjoyed your holiday season and are having a great start to 2022. I am super excited to be blogging again and very hopeful for what this year is going to bring. For the first blog of the year, I wanted to talk about my 2022 word of the year. This is the first year that I’ve come up with a word that would describe my entire year. That’s mostly because I’m a terrible planner and organizer. But at the end of 2021, I felt motivated to do something different. So while I was preparing for 2022, the word CONSISTENCY jumped into my mind and heart. I realized that in order to reach the next level with my candle business, blogging ventures, spiritual life and everything else, I must learn how to be consistent.

The definition of consistency is “acting or done in the same way over time.”

I realized that consistency falls under the umbrella of discipline and discipline is one of the most valuable life skills to develop. You can’t short cut developing discipline and consistency. Once you’re disciplined in one area of life, it becomes much easier to be disciplined in other areas. So this year I’m taking on this extremely hard challenge in order to grow into the person that I envision myself to be.

This honestly will be one of the hardest things I’ve done and I’ll tell you why. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2021 and some of the symptoms of the disorder is impulsive behavior, sporadic thoughts and the inability to focus on tasks. This makes being consistent extremely difficult for those of us that have ADHD. Monotonous and consistent tasks can be harder to complete as staying focused is virtually impossible. Now that I have the knowledge and words to explain what I experience every day, I have found ways to help with focus that include taking medication but we’ll talk about that in another blog where I share all that happened that led up to my diagnosis and how I’m handling my disorder.

Ok back to my word of the year. I’m putting different systems in place to help me develop the discipline of being consistent like alarms and timers, to-do lists and establishing routines. What I’ve realized is yes I can put in place all of the systems in the world but the biggest change I have to make is my mindset. Discipline takes a change in mindset. It takes putting your feelings aside and doing what you need to do. Mind over matter! This has always been difficult for me because I’m an emotional person. There’s nothing wrong with being emotional BUT those of us that are “feelers” have to know when it’s time to feel and when it’s time to work. This is the year of work! There’s no more time to let our feelings control how we operate and determine our work ethic. It’s time to become disciplined in how we relegate our emotions when it comes to completing the tasks we have on our plates.

The result of a disciplined, consistent lifestyle is strength and endurance. Persevering through the hard times even when we don’t feel like it helps to build strength in us and gives us the motivation to tackle any and everything that comes our way.

This is the year of work for me and work includes becoming disciplined in my consistency.

Have you ever established a word of the year? What are you looking forward to this year?

Bye friends, see you soon!

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